Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Question at all Crossroads

I have asked myself this question, you have likely asked yourself this question too.  I quote from Embracing Ourselves, by Hal and Sidra Stone: "How is this person, or this situation, my teacher?"

Indeed, how?  Many years ago in a therapeutic session, after describing my interactions with a difficult person, the therapist said, "So he was your guru."  I was taken back and found a lot of clarity in that remark at the time.  Then there are other days, like now, when the thought of trying to discern what the lesson is just gives me a headache.

A few nights ago I had a lively conversation with a Dad of two boys, age 10 and 11.  He actually gave me the perfect  opening for my "pornified culture" launch when he made a remark about the current target age for Barbie marketing, which he claimed to be age 6.  This Dad told me that he and his wife worked quite diligently at helping their boys identify and express feelings to the point where one of the boys (and he mimicked him covering his face) responded to what must have felt like an interrogation by blurting out ,"I don't know what I'm feeling!".  Some days are like that for 11 year old boys, and 59 year old girls.

Tonight I don't know what I'm feeling and I have no idea how this person, or this situation, is my teacher.  We don't always have to know.

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