Sunday, June 24, 2012

To Abuse Is A Deliberate Behavior

"Emotionally abusive relationships can be equally if not more severely damaging than physically abusive ones.  The dynamics of such relationships are very similar to those of physically abusive relationships.  The aim of the emotional abuser is to keep the victim in a perpetual one-down or disadvantaged position.  The emotional abuser seeks the dominant position and uses tactics of psychological intimidation and manipulation to keep the victim in line."

1 comment:

  1. It happens so much, they can now get away with manipulation if they ever "accidently" become physically violent. Mine sent me to jail, again, after he assaulted me. He knew that I would be sent to prison. Now I have no-where to turn, he's taking away the best years of my life and he knows it! He knows now, how to work the system.
