Tuesday, July 26, 2011

This Could Never Happen to Me

Ask anyone who knew me as an adolescent or young adult and you'd likely hear them describe someone who was strong willed, expressive and competent. Most people who have encountered me think the same thing today.  It's true and it's not true. In the day to day balance of gender roles in my marriage I succumbed to deeper fears and to the destructive confines of domestic tradition that I was mimicing for what I thought was the good of the whole, the family.

Where did I learn this, where do women learn to relinquish their selves? Why do some of us remain until  the bitter end.  I can tell you that it doesn't feel courageous to remain, it is defeating and damaging.  This was not the vision I had for myself as a child, I thought this could never happen to me.

"People who care about others do not leave important relationships easily. They tend to hang on to them long past the time when they should have moved on to something healthier. If you have truly done everything that you could do to stay in the relationship but nothing changed and you continue to be unhappy, then you might decide to a healthier life. Learning  about yourself, so that you can succeed in an intimate relationship, is a challenging task. Look long and hard at your romantic illusions."  (excerpted from www.Dailystrength.org)

Did I have Romantic Illusions?       Did You?        What Are They?

1 comment:

  1. Where DO women learn to relinquish themselves???? That is a great question. Congrats on the blog; good job!
