Monday, September 12, 2011

Liar Liar Pants on Fire

"We must always hold truth, as we can best determine it, to be more important, more vital to our self-interest than our comfort. Conversely, we must always consider our personal discomfort relatively unimportant, and indeed, even welcome it in the service for truth. "Mental health is an ongoing process of dedication to reality at all costs."  ~M. Scott Peck 

Well, he's got a pretty good point  here. Wasn't the first  sentence of his famous Road Less Traveled, "Life is difficult".  My daughter recently remarked that "Life is relentless".  Yes to both those truthful statements.

Denial is a bit like a lie, don't you think, the difference being in the degree of consciousness. There does come that moment of awareness when the denial morphs into an identifiable lie.  It's subtle but you can hear it.  When I heard it I felt uncomfortable in my own skin because I knew that I could no longer turn away and I had to act.  Reality can be very NOT fun and God has a way of giving you more of the same until you surrender to the task you fear most.

I'm really hoping that life is long enough to have some perspective and some peace towards the end.  Am I kidding myself?  (a girl can dream)

"Mental Health is an ongoing process of dedication to reality at all costs."

     Rusty Feminists, Dedicated to REALITY

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